
Formal and informal English


p. 262


A man drove up
in front of the house in a gray Mercedes. The door was open quickly and the man
ran out, but he did not find what he looked for so he went back to the car and
left. Suddenly I heard a scream and ran towards the screaming. On the ground, I
saw a man lying. His shoes were taken off and put neat and tidy beside him. The
man’s body suddenly did a jerk as I bent down. His last grasp for life
supposedly. His chest looked like he had been shot. I was unsure what to do but
contacted the police directly. Consequently it was difficult remain focused.





  1. The new shopping center was opened

  2. The town is being rebuilt after the

  3. The hostages have been released

  4. The unfair law was changed by the

  5. Measures were taken to solve the

  6. The new space mission was launched

  7. Next week´s negotiations will be

  8. By charity concerts, money for children
    in need will be raised.

  9. New oil deposits have been discovered
    in the Artic.
  10. The
    tragic events could have been avoided.
  11. All
    obstacles to peace have been removed.
  12. New
    features are being added to the cars all the time.

p. 264



  1. Is believed

  2. Is understood

  3. It was announced

  4. It is agreed

  5. It has been decided

  6. It is suggested

  7. It is said

  8. It was expected


  1. A new cure for cancer has been

  2. Your salary will be raised after six

  3. The villages were abandoned after the

  4. Traffic on days with poor air quality
    will get banned.

  5. Keith has been prosecuted to court
    for violent confessions.

  6. The protesters were pressured to sign
    fake confessions.

  7. Sanctions were introduced against

  8. They’ve condemned against the bomb

p. 266 and 267



  1. While making arrangements for the
    wedding, don’t forget to book the church.

  2. Seeing himself in the shop window
    gave him a shock.

  3. Giving up because he saw that he
    could do nothing to help.

  4. Although agreeing with the President,
    the Secretary of State would have liked another decision on the issue of

  5. After finishing the interviews, they
    discussed the merits of the candidates.

  6. The one getting the job must have the
    best qualifications.

  7. Wishing to see her again, he asked
    for her phone number.

  8. Crying he ran out of the room

  9. Accepting his decision, I can still
    see the risk
  10. Whenever
    visiting New York, give me a ring
  11. Walking
    about in the house I noticed something has changed
  12. Although
    winning the election, the party was kept out of the government.
  13. The
    play opening tomorrow has got excellent reviews.
  14. Driving
    onto the highway, she revved up the engine and picked up speed.
  15. Since
    not trusting the result, the research team continued their experiments.
  16. Before
    leaving the office, she checked her e-mail.



  1. Worried that I might say no, he did
    not dare propose to her.

  2. Confuses by all he conflicting
    information, he did not know what to do.

  3. Amazed to see her ex-boyfriend at the
    party, a sound of surprise escaped her lips.

  4. Outraged that the offenders were
    released on bail, the villagers organized a demonstration.

  5. Disgusted by the smell of the
    rubbish, the residents decided to clean up the park themselves.

  6. Deprived of love and care in
    childhood, some individuals will come to lack empathy in adulthood.

  7. Horrified at the sight of his wife’s
    dead body, the man wailed and fainted.



  1. Ashamed of not knowing the answer,
    her face went red.

  2. Aware of the situation, she did not
    speak to him in the entire night.

  3. Embarrassed by what she had done, she
    did not visit him anymore.

  4. Offended by the text I was given, I
    went home angry.

  5. Shocked by the news, he slowly sat

  6. Upset from not being chosen, she did
    not want to speak to him again.


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