Flowers for Algernon. Homework for Tuesday 20/9


1. What role do Algernon and Minnie play for the development of the plot?
2. Comment on the fact that Algernon does not need food for motivation anymore.

1. Algernon is just like Charlie one of the main characters. Even if Algernon can´t speak etc. he has still done the same operation as Charlie, the big difference is just that Charlie is an animal and Charlie is a human. Algernon is important for the plot because the operation could have the same effect at Charlie as it had on Algernon and because Algernon did the operation earlier they might know how the development and final results of Charlie´s operation will be. Somehow it seems like Algernon feels comfortable with Charlie and the other way round. Minnie is the female mouse and I think Fay (the girl who owns Minnie) brought her because she thought that Algernon would have some company and another mouse to play with, but I also think that fay had a secret motive too (that if Algernon got a friend maybe Charlie would pay more attention to Fay). Algernon is used to be alone and with another Mouse around it could cause problems in his developments, for example he bit Fay and Minnie.

2. I think that Algernon wants to be smart and just as good without food.  Before he had to solve test to get his food and every time he learn something new, but later he didn´t care about the food the thought he could do it without it and still make it. Before he challenged to get his food, now the challenged to over win it with the fact that he was a genius. He could make the test just with his own brain.


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