Speech analysis

Positive points about my presentation and areas of improvement.

I think our (mine and Bave´s) presentation went well. The positive aspect about the presentation was that all the points were included besides a ‘’snappy headline’’.  The presentation wasn’t too long and we kept to the time limit. I think I was quite prepared and I didn´t check on the paper with my supporting words on. I also think that our PowerPoint were structured and easy to follow for the audience.

Of course there are always things to improve. Next time I should practice more with my group mate to be more in sync. In our presentation there was a little problem with who was supposed to talk when, and when we were supposed to change the pictures on the PowerPoint. I also think that I looked at the paper more than I really needed to. My next goal is to do a presentation without a paper.  Next time I think we should have a more appropriate headline to the topic.


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