During presentation

p. 133

1. Why is the native Murrinh-partha language important to the Wadeye community?
The reason to why it’s that important is because it’s a way of keeping their culture. That because they want everyone of the Wadeye community to feel united.

2. What differences are there between the white suburbs of the big cities of Australia, and this part of the Northern Territory?
There is a very big difference between the people of the Northern territory and the white suburbs. The people of the Northern territory are living a very poor life while the people in the white suburbs live the opposite, a very good and wealthy life. Big parts of the poor people are unemployed. The children can’t go to school and it lives to many people in houses because there aint money enough.  There are also cultural differences between the people in the Wadeye community.

3. What causes are there of endemic health problems, according to the article?

One cause is that they don’t have any medical care for the people and the other is that they live too many people in one house!

P.134 A:

Wadeye has a population of 2 700, comprising 24 clans and seven tribes. The ethnic mix is a reminder of the thirties when missionaries persuaded indigenous groups to live together. Visitors arrived by air. The flight is over a wild and exceptionally beautiful country. On arrival, they encounter a settlement resembles a shantytown. Unquestionably, there is high unemployment. In addition, residents suffer overcrowding and poor hygiene. Through lack of minimally nutritional food, some children are visibly malnourished. Considering the inadequate health care center, it is little wonder that doctors and nurses can do very little to help. It’s clear that this entire situation is the result of decades of neglect and hence unsurprising that pressure groups are urging politicians to improve living conditions for Australia’s native population.

20 Words.

Child rearing- barnuppfostran.
permitted- tillåten
proscribe- förbjuden
Interpreter- översättare
deficit- underskott (pengar)
perforated- genomborrade
Rife- mycket vanligt
lethargic- ointresserad
squalor- smuts
endemic- inhemsk
malnourished- undernärda
indigenous- inhemska
leprosy- spetälska (sjukdom)
paperbark- an Australian tree
shantytown- slum
dysfunction- dysfunktionell
endangered- hotade
patriarchal- patriarkala
persuaded- övertalade
resembling- liknar


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